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Global Mapper 13 Serial Free 164

Where the T, Tmax, Tmin and Topt refer to the daytime mean temperature, maximum, minimum, and optimum temperature for photosynthesis, respectively. The last three parameters are biome-based and can be obtained from a look-up table (Table 2). The land cover product from MODIS (MOD12Q1) is used to provide biome information since this is the only annual land cover product with high spatial resolution and global coverage. The uncertainty of the land cover classification is not assessed but is supposed to have limited effect on the final GPP estimation since it only directly affects the temperature scalar and indirectly affects ε0. LSWImax is the maximum LSWI during the snow-free period for each pixel each year. To eliminate potential bias, a temporal smoothing using nearby four years (two years before, two years after) is applied and calculates the second largest LSWImax within this five-year period34.

Global Mapper 13 Serial Free 164


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